(Because I know many of you are puzzled by the mysterious gaps in this chronological account and are no doubt formulating theories to explain what happened during those missing days, I have hereby resolved to relate the salient events as I choose to remember them.)

Having survived the widow maker’s run from Davison, I got into Lapeer and learned of the existence of a reputable Mexican restaurant in the historic downtown. Roger, as a lifelong New Yorker, doesn’t know from Mexican food and so could not be persuaded to join me.

Along the way, I came across this fine library:

And to avoid boring you with too much information, I took a picture of this sign that you can only read part of!

Roger and I have had comically bad luck in missing small town summer events such as rodeos, tractor pulls and county fairs. But we have seen auto shows – the corvettes in Spearfish and the muscle cars somewhere in Michigan. We managed to miss Lapeer Days, but I did see another car show:



However, I’ve decided the appeal is fairly lost on me. I can’t feel nostalgic about something that never interested me, and our country’s love affair with the automobile has a lot to answer for and will not be indulgently looked back upon by future generations.

So I went to dinner and ordered up one of these:

and had some delicious carnitas:

While eating at the bar, I had an interesting conversation with a woman who competes in combined driving – which I learned is sort of a horse and carriage triathlon event consisting of dressage, marathon and obstacle events.

My indifference to car shows notwithstanding, I was happy to accept Darlene’s kind offer to drive me back to the motel!