Tis An Ill Wind

Today’s ride from Pierre to Miller was 72 miles of battling 18-mph winds out of the SSE. Most of the route was due east so at least the winds were not hitting me head on; instead I was frequently buffeted by swirling gusts that threatened to push me to the left off the (intermittently crappy) shoulder. Fortunately traffic was fairly light and cars could see me from quite a way aways; kudos to all the courteous drivers out there today.

This was the longest ride I have had to make while contending with wind, and I learned a few things – primarily a resigned patience. It does no good to fight a sustained wind on a long ride as it is just too exhausting. So instead, I stared at my bike computer with fascination and horror as my speed drifted to an ever lower level and then continually recalculated in my head how long it would take to ride the remaining miles if I couldn’t go any faster.

It was slow going, but I learned to adjust myself to the wind – even sustained winds let up or die down a bit or change direction. So I would speed up when I could and slow down when I had to. I saw damn near every one of the 72 miles click over on the bike computer even though I tried to force myself not to look.

All in all, it was a very engaged and mindful ride; not a favorite by any means but an instructive lesson in patience and concentration.


  1. If I could only remember my college physics, I could tell you what the head on mph vector component (east in your case) is of a south southeast wind of 18 mph.

  2. nice that you are finding your quiet place and being so mindful on the trip. clearly the way to avoid insanity on a crazed wind filled day.

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About Me

Born in Baltimore and raised in Cincinnati, I have lived on both coasts and driven back and forth across the country a number of times. I now have the "midlife opportunity" to do so on two wheels.