Alright, all y’all who are tired of reading about us still being in Montana, stop a sec and think about how we feel after we’ve been biking our asses off and are still freakin’ here! Going diagonally across the fourth largest state in the country turns out to take a long, long time. But here we are in Broadus (pronounced Braadus) and almost, finally out.

Now I know the east coast has been crazy hot and not even my wife cuts me any slack but by Beelzebub it’s been hotter than Hades out here (how’s that for a bit of mythic mishmash?). We rolled into town and the first thing I did was to go to the “city” pool. It was the best $2 I’ve spent. I put city in quotes because, well, check this out:

But Broadus is alright; the motel is fine, the beer is cheap though the wine is crap and there’s a nice eerie weirdness about:

There’s an oddball historical museum in town that is mostly indistinguishable from an “antique” store but they did have the old two-cell jail built by a boilermaker back in 1919 out in the back:



We are some 95 miles from our next destination, temperatures tomorrow will be over 100 degrees, winds at 15-20 mph will be against us and there is little in the way of water along the way.

So we’re punting; Roger found a guy who will take us in his pickup down to the border and we will ride through the NE corner of Wyoming into South Dakota tomorrow. It’s a bit of a cheat, but we don’t have sag support so it looks like the right call.

If you’re ever in Broadus, don’t listen to the locals – the pizza at Seabeck izza no good.

Tomorrow: Brand New State!