The ride from Cleveland to Columbiana, outside of Youngstown and home to Harvey Firestone, was a nice mix of mostly empty country roads and near-deserted bike trails. My stay in Cleveland, because of the rain day, was the longest I had been off the bike since Minneapolis, and even though I was still riding solo, I had a delightful time.
And here are some pictures to help illustrate the point:

In addition to the Firestones, it seems the Ushers once lived in the vicinity:

I chanced upon this shrine:


and was amused by this sign at a UAW hall:

I stayed at the B&B in this lovely old house which had been renovated by Paul and Susie. It only has three bedrooms upstairs and they are quite spacious and comfortable. Not sure I’ll ever be back in town (unless Rachael and I decide to bike to Cleveland – perhaps after the ferry over to Canada gets going?), but I definitely recommend the place.

Since there wasn’t anything happening at the local theater (how’s that for a season?):

I wandered down Main Street and though I was intrigued by this:

I ended up in the town’s sole bar where I chatted with Lexa:

She was quite friendly and seemed a bit out of place serving in the small town bar that time forgot. She’s another single mom with a child, but she’s in school and has some family helping her out so good luck to her – I hope things work out for her.

After a fine breakfast jointly prepared by my innkeepers, I took a very non-Roger fast and direct route toward Pittsburgh that took me past this interesting Protestant church

Where it seemed that the influence of Catholicism had proved to be strong:



As I approached the city, the irresistible lure of panniers once again had their effect on a fellow would-be traveler who wanted to know where I was going (too soon I will be renumbered within the ranks of the wistful). After a brisk exchange of biking bona fides, I asked for advice in navigating the trail network across the other two rivers. My temporary companion instantly offered to become my guide and together we dodged and weaved along trails and roads across bridges and past a stadium right to my motel. In fairness, Chris deserves his own Random Act of Kindness shout-out, but here he is. Thanks Chris and congratulations to all on your daughter’s marriage!
